WCCS @ Global Festival Of Action
Published On: May 15, 2019
From the 2nd-4th of May, we had the opportunity to represent WCCS at the United Nations Global Festival of Action for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Bonn, Germany.
In 2015 all United Nations Member States outlined 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to be achieved by 2030th with the aim to “leave no one behind”. The purpose of this Festival, that takes place every year, is to gather together SDGs Campaigners and multi-stakeholder to take action for the SDGs keeping in mind the 5 P’s of the SDG campaign: People, Planet, Prosperity, Peace and Partnership.
By attending this festival we wanted to explore how WCCS can play a bigger part in supporting the SDG’s and our aim was to expose people to chiropractic and its potential role in achieving Goal #3 “Good Health & Well-being” as well as establishing a network of people for potential collaboration.
Thus, on a panel where all the SDGs were listed and where people were given a post-it to write something on a specific goal, on the space reserved to Goal #3, we attached a post-it stating: ‘Include chiropractic in healthcare worldwide and make it easily accessible to all!’

What we realized by attending the event is the importance of having a global view on the SDGs. Indeed, many of them are related to each other (for instance, climate change has an influence on people’s health as well as on food production, thus in order to ensure healthy lives we need to address those problems as well). So, if we want to achieve The Agenda 2030, we have to implement several goals at the same time.
Almost every WCCS chapter already does community services related to SDG’s as part of their activities, but how can we make these actions bigger and more visible? We need to TAKE ACTION and challenging other health care organizations to play a role as well during the GLOBAL WEEK TO #Act4SDGs that will take place from the 20th till the 29th of September! Remember to post, tweet and share your stories of how you #act4SDGs. More information on this campaign will be sent out soon to all the chapters on how to show the World that WCCSacts for SDGs.
For more information on the event we attended, you can have a look at the WCCS YouTube Channel for the daily video updates we recorded during the event.
Sara Presazzi (European Regional Coordinator, 2019-2020),
Emilie Claerbout (Former Director of Public Relations, 2018-2019)